Chair of Steering Committee for the Annual ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces - IUI
1997 - Present
Vice-Chair for Conferences - Association for Computing Machinery - ACM SIGCHI
1999 - 2001
Treasurer - Association for Computing Machinery - ACM SIGART
1999 - 2001
Program Chair for the 1999 Eurographics Workshop on Design, Specification, and Validation of Interactive Systems - DSV99
1998 - Present
Program Chair for the 1999 Conference on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces - CADUI99
1998 - Present
Co-Chair for Short Papers Track for CHI99 - ACM Annual Conference on Computer-Human Interaction
1998 - Present
General Chair of 1997 ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces - IUI97
1996 - 1997
Associate Papers Chair for CHI - ACM Annual Conference on Computer-Human Interaction
1995 - Present
Member Editorial Board - Knowledge-Based Systems Journal - Elsevier Publishers
1997 - Present
Member ACM SIGART Conferences Executive Committee
1998 - Present
Member Program Committee
- ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces - IUI99, IUI98, IUI97
- ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction - CHI95, CHI96, CHI97, CHI98, CHI99, CHI2000
- Eurographics Workshop on Design, Specification and Validation of Interactive Systems - DSV97, DSV98
- Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering - SEKE97
- Knowledge Acquisition for Knowlegde-Based Systems Workshop - KAW/Banff 91,92,94
- Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA98
- Spanish Conference on Artificial Intelligence - AEPIA93, AEPIA95
- Basque International Workshop on Information Technology - BIWIT95
Member Review Board