"Work like you don't need the money.      
Play basketball like there is no tomorrow."   
  Professional Bio
 Bio: Angel R. Puerta
Education Experience Grants
Activities Student Awards Teaching

MIS212 (CS 272) - Medical Informatics Project Course
Spring 1998 - with Dr. Larry Fagan and Dr. Russ Altman

MIS212 (CS 272) - Medical Informatics Project Course
Spring 1995 - with Dr. Larry Fagan

MIS212 (CS 272) - Medical Informatics Project Course
Spring 1994 - with Dr. Larry Fagan and Dr.Michael Walker

MIS301 - Special Topics in Medical Informatics
Winter 92 - Knowledge Acquisition - with Dr. Mark Musen

MIS301 - Special Topics in Medical Informatics
Summer 91 - Software Engineering - with Dr. Edward Shortliffe